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New Solution: Extrapolating in vitro to in vivo toxicity for predicting effects on growth in rats and mice

08 March 2016

Researchers at the University of York are seeking partners with expertise in mammalian cell culture to develop novel approaches for in vitro-in vivo toxicity extrapolation to reduce the use of animals in mammalian chronic toxicity studies.

Toxicity tests using cell cultures, combined with modelling of toxicological effects, could replace tests with animals. The proposed approach uses toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic modelling and has successfully predicted toxic effects of chemicals on fish growth. Now, the researchers want to apply the approach to predicting toxic effects in relevant small mammal species (rats, mice). The model will be calibrated using data generated in in vitro toxicity tests with cultured mammalian cells. The Solution providers have extensive expertise in modelling, and access to existing in vivo toxicity data via a collaborator to test the approach for small mammals. They are looking for a partner who can carry out the in vitro toxicity tests with cultured mammalian cells.

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