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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

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221 results

Projects to ensure that the in vivo tests involved in ED assessment are as robust as possible, particularly focusing on aquatic species.

Zebra fishes in tank

Information on techniques for sampling blood in the mouse, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.

Black mouse standing on a gloved finger, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.
External link

An e-learning course covering the evidence base for adopting refined handling methods and the practical applications.

Mouse handling elearning illustration. Left - traditional tail method, middle - refined cupped hand handling and right - refined tunnel handling

How funding bodies can embed the 3Rs in their peer review process, including details of our review and advice service.

Icon representing peer review: two people connected by arrows going round a paper

Learn more about upcoming NC3Rs webinars and register via our events page.

Icon of a monitor with the NC3Rs logo on it

Quarterly e-newsletter to keep the scientific community updated on news from the NC3Rs Toxicology and Regulatory Sciences programme.

A white icon of an envelope on a purple background.

Is it necessary and how could it affect your data and animal welfare? A workshop recording featuring academic and industry experts.

Webinar cover slide